Prim. Priv.Doz. Dr. Boban EROVIC, MBA

Head of Institute

Institute of head and neck diseases


Ordination Wien
Himbergerstrasse 28
1100 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 394 00 53
Ordination Baden
Kanalgasse 24
2500 Baden
Mobil: +43 699 133 567 31

Special field and practice

  • Head and Neck cancer surgery
  • Clinical Fellowship in Head and Neck Surgery, Reconstructive and Thyroid Surgery
  • Microvascular reconstrcuzion
  • thyroid/Parathyroid surgery
  • salivary gland (paroLd/submandibular) surgery
  • Facialreconstruction

Further education and qualification

1993-1999Human Medicine, University of Vienna
2001-2006Specialist in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, AKH
2005HabilitaLon in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
2009-2011Clinical Fellowship in Head and Neck Surgery, ReconstrucLve and Thyroid Surgery at the Univ. Toronto,Canada
2011-2013MBA for Public Health, WU Vienna
since April 2018Chairman of the Institute of Head and Neck Diseases Author of numerous scientific publications and medical books