
Name Department Type
ANGERMANN, Bernhard, Dr., FEBO Ophthalmology Affiliated physicians
ASZMANN, Oskar, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Plastic surgery Affiliated physicians
BENEDER, Marc, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
BERCI, Stefan, OA Dr. Surgery Staff physicians
BIOWSKI, Peter, Prim. Dr. Physical medicine Staff physicians
BISCHOF, Georg, Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr., FEBS Surgery Staff physicians
BLACH, Michaela, OÄ Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
BONOMO, Johannes, OA Dr. Orthopedics Staff physicians
BRANDNER, Lukas, Dr. med. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
CEVELA, Michael, OA Dr., MSc Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
CINK, Vaclav, OA Dr. med. univ. Neurosurgery Staff physicians
DESSOVIC, Rolf Dieter, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
DEVENYI, Eszter, OÄ Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
DITSCHEINER, Alexander, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
DRESCHER, Roland, OA Dr. Orthopedics Staff physicians
DRNEK, Dominik, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
DZHALALOVA, Irina, Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
EL-MARTO, Shady, OA Dr. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
EMICH, Christian, Prim. Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
ENENKEL, Michael, OA Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
EROVIC, Boban, Prim. Priv.Doz. Dr., MBA Otolaryngologyn Staff physicians
FASCHING, Thomas, Dr. med. univ. Otolaryngologyn Affiliated physicians
FEICHTER, Albert, OA Dr. Surgery Staff physicians
FINDL, Oliver, Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ophthalmology Affiliated physicians
FREITAS, Alexis, Dr. Surgery Affiliated physicians
FUCHS, Ingrid, OA Dr. Neurology Staff physicians
FUHRMANN, Stephan, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
GAMSJÄGER, Marion, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
GRASS, Rainer, OA Dr. Neurology Staff physicians
GRUBER, Martin, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
HENNEBACH, Peter, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
HENRIQUEZ PUIG, Carlos Alberto, OA Dr. Orthopedics Staff physicians
HEUBERER, Philipp, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
JANOUSEK, Andreas, Prof. Dr. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
JIRU, Peter, Prim. em. MR Dr. Surgery Affiliated physicians
JUNGWIRTH-WEINBERGER, Anna, Dr. Orthopedics Staff physicians
JUNK-JANTSCH, Sabine, Prim. em Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
KADNAR-WÖLKEN, Georg, OA Dr. Orthopedics Staff physicians
KAINZ, Gerhard, OA Dr. Orthopedics Staff physicians
KAIPEL, Martin, Priv. Doz. Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
KALTENBRUNNER, Wolfgang, Prim. Dr. Orthopedics Staff physicians
KASPAREK, Maximilian, OA Priv.-Doz. DDr., MSc Orthopedics Staff physicians
KASPAREK, Michael, OA Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
KAUDELA, Karl, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
KECHVAR-PARAST, Jasmin, Prim. Dr. Neurology Staff physicians
KMEN, Alexander, OA Dr. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
KRÖNER, Andreas, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
LANGENECKER, Sibylle, Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr., MBA Anesthesiology and intensive medicine Staff physicians
LANZ, Ulrich, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
LEPUSCHITZ, Michael, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
LILL, Claudia, Assoc. Prof. PD. Dr. Otolaryngologyn Staff physicians
MACA, Thomas, Prim. Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
MANNDORFF, Peter, OA Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
MELLEK, Michael, OA Dr. Surgery Staff physicians
MONDL, Andreas, OA Dr. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
MOOSLECHNER, Barbara, OÄ Dr., FEBS Surgery Staff physicians
MOSTBECK, Günther, Prim. em Dr. Internal medicine Affiliated physicians
MÜLLER, Ulrich, Dr. med. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
MÜLLNER, Thomas, Prim. Univ.-Doz. Dr., PhD Orthopedics Staff physicians
NICOLAE, Michael, Dr. med. univ. Ophthalmology Affiliated physicians
NICOLAKIS, Michael, OA Dr. Orthopedics Staff physicians
NOSKE, Helge, OA Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
OSTERMANN, Roman Christian, Dr. med. univ. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
PAUZENBERGER, Leo, OA Priv.-Doz. DDr., MSc Orthopedics Staff physicians
PEICHL, Peter, Prim. Priv.-Doz. Dr., MSc Internal medicine Staff physicians
PETSCHERSKY, Andrej, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
PICHELMAIER, Michael, Dr. Otolaryngologyn Affiliated physicians
PREGANT, Peter, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
RADNER, Wolfgang, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Ophthalmology Affiliated physicians
REDTENBACHER, Nikolaus, Dr. Otolaryngologyn Affiliated physicians
REICHETSEDER, Jürgen, OA Dr. med. Univ. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
REISINGER, Manfred, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
RESCHL, Martin, Dr., Msc. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
RICHTER-MÜKSCH, Sibylla, Priv. Doz. Dr. Ophthalmology Affiliated physicians
SAILER, Johannes, OA Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
SAJER, Sascha, Prim. Dr., MBA, IFMCP Physical medicine Staff physicians
SALEHI, Behrooz, OA Dr. Surgery Staff physicians
SCHILLER, Christian Martin, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
SCHUH, Reinhard, OA Priv. Doz. Dr. Orthopedics Staff physicians
SCHURZ, Mark, OA Dr. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
SCHÜTZ, Valerie, Dr. Neurology Staff physicians
SEBESTA, Christian, Prim. Prof. Dr. Internal medicine Affiliated physicians
SEEMANN, Rudolf, Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI DDr., MBA Oral and maxillofacial surgery Staff physicians
SELBERHERR, Andreas, Prim. Priv.-Doz. Dr., PhD, FEBS Surgery Staff physicians
SEVELDA, Florian, OA Priv. Doz. Dr., MSc Orthopedics Staff physicians
SORKO-ENZFELDER, Kira, OÄ Dr. Surgery Staff physicians
SPORN, Emanuel, Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Surgery Affiliated physicians
STANCIK, Igor, Prim. Dr. Urology Affiliated physicians
STOPFER, Johannes, Prim. Dr., FEBS Surgery Staff physicians
SUPPER, Volker, OA Dr. Internal medicine Staff physicians
TÖGEL, Konstantin, OA Dr. Neurology Staff physicians
VALENTA, Klaus, OA Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
WADITSCHATKA, Robert, Dr. Ophthalmology Affiliated physicians
WAGNER, Thomas, OA Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
WAGNER, Gerald, OA Dr. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
WAMSER, Peter, Univ. Doz. Dr. Surgery Affiliated physicians
WENINGER, Patrick, PD Dr., PhD Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians
WERFRING, Christian, Dr. Otolaryngologyn Staff physicians
WIELAND, Thomas, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
WINKLER, Thomas, OA Dr. Surgery Affiliated physicians
WURM, Ewald, Dr. Orthopedics Affiliated physicians
WUTZL, Arno, Priv. Doz. DDr. Oral and maxillofacial surgery Staff physicians
ZELLER, Philip, Dr. Traumatology and sports medicine Affiliated physicians