Advanced Nursing Practice

Marilies DOLEZAL, BSc., DGKP

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Anna Milena GIETL, MSc., DKGP

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

High-quality care requires continuity in the expansion of knowledge and ongoing training. These requirements are optimally met by Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP). The main tasks of ANP include the sustainable development, safeguarding, and promotion of nursing quality in all areas of Evangelisches Krankenhaus. Clinical expertise, findings from nursing science, and patient preferences are taken into account. 

These goals are achieved through the following measures:


Support for employees in complex care situations

ANP offers professional support and guidance to relieve nursing staff in difficult and demanding care cases.

Theory–practice transfer 

ANP ensures that findings from nursing science and theoretical knowledge are integrated into practical nursing work in order to always keep the quality of nursing care at the highest level.

Support of change processes in nursing practice

ANP supports and accompanies the introduction and implementation of novel care methods in order to ensure continuous improvements in care.

Preparation of training planning

ANP plans and organizes further and advanced training measures for nursing staff in order to continuously develop their professional skills and keep them up to date.

Through these measures, ANP makes a significant contribution to sustainably securing and further developing the quality of care at Evangelisches Krankenhaus.