Anesthesiological surgical clearance

From surgical preparation to surgical clearance

Many people are more afraid of the anesthesia than of the surgical procedure. Such fears are essentially unfounded, as long-term statistics show: On average, less than one percent of all serious complications are due to anesthesia problems. By using our outpatient pre-anesthesia service, you as a patient make a significant contribution to increasing your own safety.

Risk factors for surgery include:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Lung diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight
  • Anemia
  • Neurological diseases
  • Kidney diseases
  • Taking anticoagulants (blood thinners)
  • Taking a large variety of medications


Plan your surgery like a vacation!


Ideally, a preliminary anesthesia consultation should take place three weeks before the surgery in order to check your individual suitability for the planned anesthesia.  Your wishes regarding the surgery and everything related to it will also be discussed. Fears and reservations can also be more easily addressed and overcome in a stress-free atmosphere and at an appropriate temporal distance from the procedure. Thus the phase before, during and after the surgery can be optimally tailored to the patient.

For your own safety, please do not withhold anything; your information will be treated in strict confidence.

The preliminary anesthesia consultation and surgical preparation are based on the latest findings and the quality guidelines of the Austrian Ministry of Health. As soon as your current state of health has been clarified, any risks have been minimized, and the anesthetic information provided, the anesthetist “greenlights” the surgery and thus clears you for surgery (this clearance is not to be confused with letters of findings from general practitioners or internists in private practice).   

Surgical preparation – outpatient pre-anesthesia service