General contract terms
For physicians in private hospitals in Vienna.
According to the general contract terms for physicians in private hospitals of the Association of Private Hospitals of Austria regarding the legal relationship of physicians with Evangelical Hospital Vienna (hereinafter referred to as "Hospital").
Evangelisches Krankenhaus
Hans-Sachs-Gasse 10 - 12
A-1180 Wien
Chairman of the advisory board:
GS Dr. Erich Sieber
Tel.: +43/1/ 40 422 – 502
Fax: +43/1/ 40 422 – 510
E-Mail: gen.sek@
Managing Director:
Mag. (FH) Michael Entleitner, MBA
Financial and administrative management office:
Tel.: +43/1/404 22 - 603
Fax: +43/1/404 22 - 17603
E-Mail: verwaltung@