Zum Schutz unseren Patienten*innen und zu Ihrem Selbstschutz empfehlen wir bis auf Weiteres folgende weiterführende Maßnahmen:
- Besuche und Besucherzahl auf das notwendige Minimum zu reduzieren (1 Besucher/ Tag)
- Die Besuchszeiten sind täglich von 14:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr.
- Den Besuch im Krankenhaus auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt zu verschieben, wenn Sie selbst Krankheitssymptomen (Husten, Schnupfen, Fieber) aufweisen.
Information über den Zustand Ihrer Angehörigen erhalten Sie gerne auch telefonisch über den behandelnden Arzt.
Ihr Team des Evangelischen Krankenhauses
Chapel / prayer room
Our chapel/prayer room is located on the first basement level in the new addition. The chapel was designed by the artist Kurt Kramer (d. 2011) and was inaugurated on 16/12/2002.
The chapel is open to visitors from the entrance of the hospital on Canongasse and to patients via the lifts on the C wards. Take the lift to the first basement level and follow the signs for the chapel (“Kapelle”).
Our patients can contact the reception (01/40 40 422-0) and ask to be picked up, accompanied to the church service and brought back to their room by a member of the Johanniter visiting service.
Opening hours
Daily from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
Tuesday service at 04:00 pm
Visiting hours
Visiting hours are every day, no set times
Please note however, that quiet times are from 12 noon to 2:00 pm and after 8:00 pm.
Please bear in mind that guests will be asked to wait in front of the room during medical or nursing care.
Flowers – in the immediate vicinity
- Firma Josefa Schneider, 1180 Wien, Gertrudplatz 2,
Tel.:+43/1/406 21 38
- Firma Ilse Bronold, 1180 Wien, Währingerstraße 132,
Tel.: +43/1/479 68 00
Subject to changes
Bookstores in the immediate vicinity
- Libro bookstore: Währingerstraße 108 or Herbeckstraße 22
Subject to changes
How to reach us
U6: Station Währingerstraße/Volksoper oder Station Michlbeuern
Streetcar lines: 41, 40 – Station Kutschkermarkt
See Map for information.
Guest service
Would your visitors like to eat here? Every guest is warmly welcome:
- They can eat in our cafeteria (3 meal options) or
- after advance notification at the respective ward
We request your understanding that no animals are allowed in the entire Evangelical Hospital due to strict hygiene regulations.
Phone calls
If the patient has rented a room connection, you can dial this number directly. The extension consists of the room number and bed number:
- e.g. if the patient is in room 123 with bed number 2, the number to call is: +43/1/404 22 - 1232
Tobacco stores in the immediate vicinity
- Währinger Straße 79
- Währingerstraße 107
- Theresiengasse 81
- Staudgasse 18
- Schulgasse 4
Subject to changes
Evangelisches Krankenhaus
Hans-Sachs-Gasse 10-12,
A-1180 Wien,
Tel.: +43/1/404 22-0