Our Mission
Our Mission

Our Mission

Chairman of the board: Prof. DDr. Martin Bolz


Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Bolz


"We want to serve and help people!" The Evangelical Hospital was opened in 1901 with this motto. Since then, the hospital has always been a place of comfort and alleviation of suffering. A team in the service of humanity – our mission is derived directly from this.

A team in the service of humanity

The basis for the Evangelical Hospital is the Biblical testimony of the love of God as creator of life and devotion to humanity in the form of Jesus Christ.

  • All our efforts center around the holistic care of individuals who are ill and need care based on Christian values.
  • Active love of others in caring for the personal fate of patients as well as employees.
  • Evangelical Hospital is open for all persons, regardless of origin, gender, skin color, or religious affiliation.

We combine personal, caring attention to patients and modern medicine

Holistic hospital care thus involves responsible, modern medicine and loving care. Our nursing staff provides patients with expert assistance. At the same time, spiritual counseling and support are important facets of care at the hospital.

We honor the dignity and free will of every single patient

For us at Evangelical Hospital, it is important to honor the dignity of the individual at every stage of life. The free will and the dignity of every single individual must be respected in every conceivable situation.

We do our job with professional expertise

The physician's job is to heal people while respecting their dignity. Physicians also help to alleviate pain when healing is no longer possible. This involves sympathetic advice, involvement in all circumstances, accurate information, and a professional diagnosis, of course while protecting confidentiality and dignity of each individual. For us, this means that we must continuously offer further training to ensure this is possible.

We honor the right to self-determination

One of our particular concerns is combining our patients' right to self-determination with medical expertise and wisdom and with the competence of the nursing staff and support of the spiritual advisor. Evangelical Hospital therefore takes into consideration the use of all available medical options and facilities while respecting the patient's will.

The trust of our patients is justified

Ongoing quality control in nursing and continued further training of all employees are as much a part of the hospital routine as the effort to address issues of faith, religion, and ethics that are relevant to nursing care. We are committed to ensuring that medical capabilities and possibilities are accurately assessed and explained clearly to patients. This form of medical honesty combined with knowledge of religious and ethical issues are among the measures taken to maintain trust and honor all patients' right to self-determination.

We honor every patient's convictions

It is the right of a patient to be able to refuse treatment after thorough considerations or for religious reasons. This means that the physicians and nursing staff and all other groups who deal directly or indirectly with patients are obligated to think about questions about the meaning of life and of suffering. At Evangelical Hospital, saving lives is given the highest priority. This principle is always applied if patients have not given instructions for medical emergencies or are no longer able to make such decisions.

We are a team

The administration, in cooperation with the nursing staff and physicians, creates the operational conditions needed to fulfill the hospital's aims through sound management. We consider the tasks of every employee at Evangelical Hospital to be an indispensable contribution to the functioning of the entire hospital – a necessary part of the whole. Our strength lies in treating each other with mutual respect for the performance of every individual and in our identification with the Evangelical Hospital as an institution.

Spiritual counselling and visits are an important part of support. For this reason, at Evangelical Hospital, the chaplain's office and the visiting service of Johanniter Hilfsgemeinschaft work together closely. Spiritual care is the offer of support, encounter, and the meaning of life within the framework of Christian faith and as an ecumenical effort. A Protestant and a Catholic chaplain are deployed by their respective churches. Furthermore, other volunteers ensure that patients are brought to church services and that communion can be celebrated at their beds if desired.

In the interest of readability, we do not use gendering. In our publications, we of course address men and women equally.


Evangelisches Krankenhaus Wien

Hans-Sachs-Gasse 10 - 12 A-1180 Wien

Tel.:  +43/1/40 422 - 0
